How Copywriting can help Web3 Brands Market and Build really Engaging Communities

Marketing in Web3 can be a bit difficult because it is quite different from the marketing strategies that are obtainable in Web2.
In Web2, Platforms like Facebook or Google and Data are a good start to Market and sell a product. But In Web3, Community, Trust and Influence are your biggest asset.
Web 3 Marketing is a concept that explores the web by looking at trends and new technologies. It’s not just evolving; it’s revolutionizing the way we think about the Internet. Web 3.0 marketing is more than just websites and search engine optimization(SEO) — Piril Madasoglu
To put Pirils statement in proper perspective. In Web3, the Community is the CEO. Not the platforms.
And Connecting your Product and your target audiences is one of the first things you do when trying to market your web3 brand.
Your target audience is not bots, they are human beings. These are the people who then go on to become amazing community members. They are the ones who will buy from you.
Connecting with your target audience, and convincing them about your project is tough. And this is why many good projects tend to experience poor mints.
How do you convince your target audience? This secret plays back to the fundamentals of marketing; Human Persuasion.
And that’s one thing some web3 projects pay almost zero attention to. Rather, they would spend resources on Influencer and Alpha Groups Collaboration to giveaway Whitelist spots.
Unfortunately, this doesn't always work. And even when it does work, it is not a sustainable way to build the community. We tend to see projects relying heavily on hype do poorly post-mint.
And as we have seen recently with projects like Goblins and Wagdie etc, with zero roadmap and expectations, build a solid community by connecting with people — they have done better post mint than many utility projects.
This shows how important Community is to your project.
Now that we’ve understood that community is the centre focus of Web3 Marketing. How can Copywriting help Web3 Brands Increase Conversion?
While there are different components to talk about (we’d go over them subsequently) … It’s important to first focus on the customer journey or The community journey.
What has been their experience with your project in the journey until they get to the mint button?
Has it been trilling, do they feel valued and important, do they resonate with the values and codes within the community, and did they contribute to building the project road map, art, games, events, and community decisions?
What are they saying about the project goals? Do they have a sense of ownership towards the direction the project is going in?
This kind of experience is not built on Mint Day. Many people who would have this experience will automatically become super fans.
Having a community with Super Fans starts when you are intentional about building a proper community. During this Journey, you try to connect, build trust, gain influence and grow together.
You can check out this article on Some of the best ways to build an engaging community.
In other to properly build a community of Super Fans. You have to communicate. Most often than not, You use text to speak with your community Members, and this is where Copywriting comes in.
In a simple term, Copywriting means Salesmanship in Print. This would mean, you would have to implement Copywriting principles in every Marketing material, Website, Event, Announcement, Activity, and Collaboration in your community.
Why is this Important? Well, Perception is stronger than reality. That’s why Human persuasion is king.
Copywriting does the persuasion and this affects the perception of your community about the values, codes, lingua, goals and vibes within the community.
This is not spooky. Ask Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, Uber, Netflix etc.

Each of these top brands understands the power of Perception, and they leverage the power of Human persuasion just by investing time into Copywriting.
Why do they do this? So they can connect to you and me. We can safely say they are successful, right? We use one or more of their product.
This means If you’re building a Web3 product, the Perception of your community towards your project is a crucial Marketing position to control!
It builds a solid experience for them and helps you target people who are interested in what you’re building. You are on your way to having a community of Super Fans.
Now that you have Marketing Control. This is a simple sales funnel for any Web3-related projects:
Community Building — Collaboration & Marketing — Onboarding web2 audience — Launch — Post Launch — Fulfilment & Branding.
Let’s quickly run Copywriting through each phase, starting from Collaboration, shall we?
This is a top Marketing strategy in web3, still, Copywriting is key here. You want to be thoughtful about each Collab.
What benefits do you get when you collaborate with this project? Does this project have a community that fits your target audience, etc?
Announce a collaboration with your community, State the benefits to them and the other projects community.
Use emotional triggers and Visual appeal: Images, Videos, AMAs, and Interviews.
Collaborate with Top Web3 brands, Alpha Groups and DAOs that have your target audience in their community.
Make it look like a club just signed a player!
You don’t need 10 collabs a day. Quality over Quantity. Remember to get your community Involved!
Other Marketing Strategies include Influencer Collaboration, Interviews on Top web3 podcasts and Youtube Channels, Serious attention to your Twitter Page/post and possibly Twitter Marketing.
Onboarding Web2 Audience
One of the best ways of doing this is leveraging Content Writing. Since the audience is in Web2, create a marketing funnel around where they are.
Build a simple Content Marketing funnel like this:
Create SEO posts with CTA to a Welcome channel in your server (or to your Project website)+ While in the channel, they Read the welcome message, and more about the project + they onboard themselves by clicking the verification button, gaining access to the community.
Because this Welcome Channel is custom to Web2 Audience, you can create a special tag on Discord.
Once they verify, they get these tags, and this gives them access to both the server and other custom channels where you create educational information like How to mint etc.
Hire Mods here to help them answer questions and make onboarding easier. Making it super personal to them and they onboard properly.
No stress if you ticked the other phases. With your strong community and Crazy reach. Initiate a 14-day Launch Campaign!
Across Socials. Your Server. And every Community you collaborated with. This is a follow-up campaign with a crescendo Intensifying as you get closer to the mint date!
The 14 Day Campaign, Visuals could be Images, Cinematic Videos, Digital events, IRL events, Interviews literally anything.
Sneak Peek works too but it’s been overutilized. Get creative!
Don’t just slap random words on your mint page. Put a Salesman on the Mint page: Copywriting.
Include Community Testimonials. Credibility. Guarantee. etc
Hold up here
These past phases take weeks & months to implement. It is not a walk in the park. And it could even be more detailed than I have shared here. Actually, the launch should be successful if you followed through. It’s all about the community. It is all about them
Post Launch
It's past the mint date. You sold out or not. Don’t be like other projects that go to sleep. There’s more work to do here.
Depending on what happened during Mint, You can expect a ton of reactions. Hold your nerves, it's normal for these to happen.
This is the time for your Community managers and Mods to engage with the community even more. And that is because it is important to understand what the CEOs think, feel and want.
The Community is the CEO. Don’t Forget that part.
Depending on the response (good or bad), host an AMA to address it. And share the next phase on the road map with the community.
Request their input and build with them.
Fulfilment & Branding
Fulfilling the roadmap is one primary responsibility of the team. Depending on how technical the process will take, it's your job to hire some of the best people to improve the strength of the team.
While you’re at it. Remember you’ve got investors — your community members — who have invested x amount of money to build this product. Keep them in the loop at every step.
One amazing strategy would be to hire some top talents from the community. And their contribution would be pivotal to the road map fulfilment.
This takes time and effort. Invest in the best team members to deliver on your promises in the roadmap.
It is essential to create events during this phase that keeps the community engaged. Surprise the community with Merch, Airdrops, Irl events, and New partnerships with web2 and web3 projects.
Projects that have 50% of their products built out and do not need to rely on mint fees relatively do well also.
Building a project and an engaging community with super fans can be very tough especially when you are starting.
Leveraging your copywriting into a solid community journey and Marketing will stand your project out — kinda what I help web3 brands achieve, hit me up here if you’ve got a web3 brand and need to scale it.
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