Being Productive is a choice you must make Every day if you want to Do More!
Everyone struggles to become more productive at some point in their lives. I do too!
The idea of becoming more productive with the time available is a reality everyone comes to understand at some point in their lives.
This one statement has been on my mind in the past few days. I have been trying to understand how I became more productive with my time.
You and I know time management is a big issue in our society. Many may not agree about it, but it is.
And it is safe to say that, almost everyone has had a fair share of it while going about their day to day activities. Including ME.
If you haven’t had an entanglement with time-wasting, then I must commend you — you are one of the very few!
But I doubt you haven’t!
We all have had some issues where we are not happy about how much time we wasted on a particular project or activity.
Well, if you’re thinking that you don’t do it often, well I must say this.
You do not have to do it every day as it is relative to whatever it is you are supposed to do.
Even to Skipping some hours of Sleep time in favor of Watching the Old Guard on Netflix!
I’m guilty of this too!
The little things matter. Especially with a certain task that seems to require very little effort.

Do you know anyone who wouldn’t want to be productive daily? No? I don’t know anyone who’s like that either.
This is because, each of us, deep down, we really want to do well and Succeed at what we do.
But we are usually not very productive as we would have loved to. Why? You may be inquisitive to know.
We procrastinate at every opportunity
Do you doubt it? Well if you do, it’s very okay.
But take a moment in this scenario. You have decided a day ago that you will execute a certain task.
You get this exciting feeling like you should do it instantly.
When it’s actually time to get it done you usually say these statements.
- I could just do it tomorrow when I wake up because I need to sleep now
- I am not up for it right now, I will do it some other time.
Do you know what just happened? You have just procrastinated!
And this is when time-wasting and Unproductivity usually starts
Research has shown that the results of procrastination are usually negative, 10 out of 10, in regards to performance and subjective well-being

At that point when we decided not to stand up on our feet to get that task done in that instance.
We made a very big decision, a choice not to be productive at what we decided to do.
This is how it all starts when we do not heed to the silent urge inside of us to be more productive at the task at hand.
We become less productive and as a result, we have unfinished tasks and projects waiting to be attended to.
If you’re like I was some years back, I used to be so lackadaisical about everything I did.
I gave myself, excuses that seemed to be quite intelligent along with reasonable reasons why I shouldn’t get to work.
Well, you will not be wrong to call me a procrastinator!
At least, I sincerely admit that I was really submerged in the act of procrastinating and I’ll tell you this without mincing words!
Time management is the solution to productivity!
And that is so true. But I changed at some point. By adapting to certain things.
How to become more productive
If you’re a creative or a professional, who determines the time frame of work and how you handle your entire activities.

Then, you will agree to a certain extent that maximizing your time while juggling between your personal life and work could be quite difficult.
Again, it’s relative to people.
Becoming more productive in your daily task is usually a training you give to your mind.
Not your body, nor spirit, but you MIND!
A conscious mind discipline
And this discipline prioritizes the word “NOW” a whole lot.
If you start your journey on being productive by working on several projects at a go just because you want to get it done now.
You will fail woefully
To become more productive, as I did, you take one step after the other. Don’t rush your activity.
Please don’t!
What I actually did was that I usually gave myself one task a day. And this ensured that I could measure my growth.
Now I can work on three tasks or five tasks and get everything done repeatedly for a whole month.
But I started from one step, like a baby learning how to walk. That is how you condition your mind.
While you’re at it, doing one task or two a day, you give top priority to the word NOW.
In an instance where you are to create a social media content today, and you’re still laying on your bed.
Contemplating again whether or not you should get it done. This is what I would do.
I’d jump up on my feet and go straight at it, literally forcing myself to work.
You can do that too!
To be more productive, you need to manage your time and also your activities day in and day out.
Once you can manage your time, you’ve become more productive at what you do. Hence a better results.
Practice does make perfect!